Special offers on select private offices. Restrictions and terms apply. Connect with our team to learn more.

50-60 Station Road

50/60 Station Rd
Cambridgeshire, England CB1 2JH
Special offers on select private offices. Restrictions and terms apply. Connect with our team to learn more.

T'interessa aquesta ubicació?

Emplena el formulari que trobaràs a continuació per reservar una visita o perquè un membre del nostre equip es posi en contacte amb tu per estudiar les teves necessitats d'espai de treball.

Introdueix nom i cognoms.
Introdueix la teva adreça electrònica.
Indica'ns com posar-nos en contacte amb tu.
Indica el nom de la teva empresa.
Quantes persones necessiten espai de treball?
Tria un valor
T'agradaria reservar una visita?*

Fent clic al botó que apareix a continuació, acceptes les nostres condicions de servei i entens la nostra política de privacitat global.

  • 50-60 Station Road Coworking
    Common Area
  • 50-60 Station Road Coworking
    Common Area
  • 50-60 Station Road Coworking
    Common Area
  • 50-60 Station Road Coworking
    Common Area
  • 50-60 Station Road Coworking
    Common Area
  • 50-60 Station Road Reception
    Community Bar
  • 50-60 Station Road Coworking
    Recreational Games
  • 50-60 Station Road Coworking
  • 50-60 Station Road Coworking
    Hot Desks
  • 50-60 Station Road Conference Room
    Conference Room
  • 50-60 Station Road Conference Room
    Conference Room
  • 50-60 Station Road Coworking
    Meeting Booths
  • 50-60 Station Road Coworking
    Hot Desks
  • 50-60 Station Road Office Space
    Private Office

Lloc de treball disponible

Quantes persones necessiten espai?
Tingues en compte els requisits de distància social quan busquis un espai.


  • Serveis de neteja
  • Amics dels gossos
  • Emmagatzematge de bicicletes
  • Sala de criança
  • Sala de benestar
  • Espai per a esdeveniments
  • Cambrer
  • Serveis tecnològics
Veure tots els serveis


50/60 Station Rd Cambridgeshire, England CB1 2JH
  • Trànsit proper

  • 45 minute train ride to Kings Cross Station
  • Onsite cycle park accomodating up to 3,000 bicycles

Finding Cambridge Coworking Space at 50-60 Station Road

Ideally situated in a new city quarter of historic Cambridge, our vibrant coworking space in CB1 Business Centre was built with you in mind. Three floors of this striking nine-story building are dedicated to WeWork: Meet with a client in a modern conference room, then touch base with coworkers in our art-filled lounges or your own private office. Commuting is a breeze with onsite parking and several buses in the area; bike storage and showers add to the convenience. If you’re expanding operations into London, Cambridge Railway Station is also nearby—offering services to Liverpool Street and Kings Cross. After work, host a networking happy hour in our dedicated event space, or explore the countless culinary options in the CB1 complex. Launch your company or grow your team in this dynamic neighbourhood, and join WeWork at 50-60 Station Road today.
Som aquí per ajudar-te
Dominic R.

L'equip de mànagers de la comunitat afegeix un toc professional i personal a tots els edificis de WeWork i està compromés a apoderar els membres en tot allò que pugui.

Edificis propers