DLF Building 6 - D1

DLF City Phase 3 Road, Sector 24
Gurugram, HR 122010

T'interessa aquesta ubicació?

Emplena el formulari que hi ha a continuació per posar-te en contacte amb un dels nostres membres de l'equip per saber-ne més.

Introdueix nom i cognoms.
Introdueix la teva adreça electrònica.
Indica'ns com posar-nos en contacte amb tu.
Indica el nom de la teva empresa.
Quantes persones necessiten espai de treball?
Tria un valor

Fent clic al botó que apareix a continuació, acceptes les nostres condicions de servei i entens la nostra política de privacitat global.

  • DLF Building 6 - D1 Reception
    Example shown of: Community Bar
  • DLF Building 6 - D1 Coworking
    Example shown of: Common Area
  • DLF Building 6 - D1 Office Space
    Example shown of: Private office
  • DLF Building 6 - D1 Coworking
    Example shown of: Common Area
  • DLF Building 6 - D1 Coworking
    Example shown of: Conference Room
  • DLF Building 6 - D1 Coworking
    Example shown of: Common Area
  • DLF Building 6 - D1 Coworking
    Example shown of: Kitchen
  • DLF Building 6 - D1 Reception
  • DLF Building 6 - D1 Coworking
  • DLF Building 6 - D1 Office Space
  • DLF Building 6 - D1 Coworking
  • DLF Building 6 - D1 Coworking
  • DLF Building 6 - D1 Coworking
  • DLF Building 6 - D1 Coworking

Lloc de treball disponible

Quantes persones necessiten espai?
Tingues en compte els requisits de distància social quan busquis un espai.
Taula dedicada

El teu propi escriptori en una oficina compartida.

En aquesta ubicació no hi ha Hot Desks.


  • Serveis de neteja
  • Sala de benestar
  • Espai per a esdeveniments
  • Serveis tecnològics
  • Personal in situ
  • Àrees comunes úniques
  • Cabines telefòniques
  • Cuines equipades
Veure tots els serveis


DLF City Phase 3 Road, Sector 24 Gurugram, HR 122010
  • Trànsit proper

  • Gurgaon Railway Station, 35 min drive. Moulsari Avenue Metro Station, 7 min walk. Cyber City Metro Station Metro Station, 11 min walk. Sikanderpur Metro Station, 12 min drive.
  • National Highway 8, 2 min drive

Explore our beautiful coworking space in DLF Building 6, located in North India’s largest established micromarket with several Fortune 500s having a presence. We have 2 floors of productive meeting rooms and private offices built to inspire. From quiet nooks to collaborative common areas, this office space in DLF Building 6 is perfect if you’re a freelancer, startup, or large enterprise. With an excellent location with respect to connectivity and infrastructure, this coworking space in Gurgaon is surrounded by affordable as well as luxury residential neighborhoods. You can either visit CyberHub to enjoy a nice meal with your colleagues or visit Ambience Mall for retail therapy.

This location has 15 million sq. ft. of Grade A commercial developments, including CyberHub, one of the leading retail and F&B Destinations. DLF CyberHub, 13 min walk Ambience Mall, 10 min drive Narayana Hospital, 5 min drive, Trident Hotel, 9 min drive, Leela Hotel, 12 min drive

Som aquí per ajudar-te
Parth T.

L'equip de mànagers de la comunitat afegeix un toc professional i personal a tots els edificis de WeWork i està compromés a apoderar els membres en tot allò que pugui.

Edificis propers