Shiroyama Trust Tower

21F 4 Chome 3-1 Toranomon
Tokyo 105-6021

3.8 | 10 opinions

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  • Shiroyama Trust Tower Coworking
    Common Area
  • Shiroyama Trust Tower Coworking
    Common Area
  • Shiroyama Trust Tower Coworking
    Common Area
  • Shiroyama Trust Tower Coworking
    Hot Desks
  • Shiroyama Trust Tower Coworking
    Common Area
  • Shiroyama Trust Tower Coworking
    Common Area
  • Shiroyama Trust Tower Coworking
    Meeting Booths
  • Shiroyama Trust Tower Reception
    Community Bar
  • Shiroyama Trust Tower Coworking
  • Shiroyama Trust Tower Conference Room
    Conference Room

Lloc de treball disponible

Quantes persones necessiten espai?
Tingues en compte els requisits de distància social quan busquis un espai.


  • Serveis de neteja
  • Serveis tecnològics
  • Sales de reunions
  • Personal in situ
  • Àrees comunes úniques
  • Cabines telefòniques
  • Impressores de primer nivell
  • Programació i esdeveniments professionals
Veure tots els serveis


21F 4 Chome 3-1 Toranomon Minato-ku Tokyo 105-6021
  • Trànsit proper

  • Kamiyacho Station (3 minute walk) | Roppongi Icchome Station (6 minute walk)

Finding Office Space in Shiroyama Trust Tower

The beating heart of Japan’s economy, Tokyo is a site of extreme innovation and success. WeWork’s coworking office in Shiroyama Trust Tower puts you right at the center of that potential. Three floors of dedicated WeWork space and intentional design keeps your team engaged and inspired throughout the workday. Expansive lounge areas are filled with professionals networking over free-flowing coffee; conference rooms are home to team huddles and kick-off meetings. Plus, access to public transportation is simple from this location, with the Tokyo Metro and Kamiyachō and Roppongi-itchome stations all within walking distance. After work, head to one of the many upscale shops, restaurants, or museums nearby. Ready to jumpstart your next venture? Schedule a visit to WeWork’s coworking space in Shiroyama Trust Tower today.

Què diu la gent

3.8 | 10 ressenyes de Google

ohry papa
octubre 5, 2021
juny 17, 2021
Rene G
març 6, 2019
Fantastic space. Very impressive and convent. Best part is Emi and the team who make the experience welcoming and fun.
desembre 21, 2023
C. Boil
desembre 4, 2020
Friendly staff, well-managed
Oliver Nak
maig 2, 2019
one of the wework in the Tokyo pre standard. We get this Sauza coffee premium malt beer QR golden also
Michael Usami
febrer 1, 2019
とても良い場所です。ウイワーク饅頭がありましたw 入居は、やや高いですが、いつでも入ったり出たり出来るし敷金礼金なしは有難いです。
desembre 10, 2023
maig 26, 2019
wework 内部階段ないからちと不便
juny 7, 2023
ミーティングルームを予約しましたが、扉を開けて大声で話す輩が多すぎます。 他のWeworkと比べてマナーがなってない方が多い印象です。
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Saki I.

L'equip de mànagers de la comunitat afegeix un toc professional i personal a tots els edificis de WeWork i està compromés a apoderar els membres en tot allò que pugui.

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