35 Loushanguan Lu

35 Loushanguan Lu
Shanghai 200336

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  • 35 Loushanguan Lu Coworking
    Common Area
  • 35 Loushanguan Lu Coworking
    Common Area
  • 35 Loushanguan Lu Coworking
  • 35 Loushanguan Lu Coworking
    Common Area
  • 35 Loushanguan Lu Coworking
    Common Area

Espace de travail disponible

Combien de personnes ont besoin d’espace?
Tenez compte des exigences locales en matière de distanciation physique lorsque vous recherchez un espace.
Bureau privé

Bureaux verrouillables clés en main pour les équipes de toutes tailles

Poste de travail attribué 

Votre propre poste de travail, dans un espace partagé.


  • Service d'entretien
  • Espace événementiel
  • Services techniques
  • Salles de réunion
  • Personnel sur place
  • Espaces communs uniques
  • Cabines téléphoniques
  • Imprimantes professionnelles
Afficher tous les services


35 Loushanguan Lu Changning Shanghai 200336
  • Transport en commun à proximité

  • Line 10 at Yili Station (Gate 4, 7 minute walk) | Line 2 at Loushanguan Lu Station (Gate 2, 10 minute walk)

Finding Office Space in Changning District at 35 Loushanguan Lu

Home to the prestigious Shanghai International Trade Center and businesses across aviation and media, Changning District is a prime location to push your business forward. Occupying all eight floors of the building, our office space at 35 Loushanguan Lu, includes expansive lounges, innovative conference rooms, and modern private offices that easily set your team up for success. Plus, the workspace is attached to a complex that boasts bustling restaurants and a tranquil wellness center. Commuting is seamless with the subway at Yili Road an eight-minute walk away, and the metro Line 2 at Loushanguan Lu rail station also nearby. To relax in nature during your lunch break, walk along the majestic Xin Hongqiao Garden or spend a moment on our lush outdoor terrace. After work, celebrate team wins at Xian Qiang Fang restaurant, or network with prospects at the Shanghai International Trade Center. If you’re looking for a flexible office space in Changning District, create your best work at 35 Loushanguan Lu today.

Immeubles à proximité