No. 1901 Huashan Lu
Shanghai 200030

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  • One ITC Coworking
    Building Exterior
  • One ITC Coworking
    Common Area
  • One ITC Coworking
    Common Area
  • One ITC Coworking
    Common Area
  • One ITC Coworking
  • One ITC Coworking
    Private Office
  • One ITC Coworking
  • One ITC Coworking
    Front Desk
  • One ITC Coworking
    Common Area
  • One ITC Coworking
    Conference Room
  • One ITC Coworking
    Print Station

Espace de travail disponible

Combien de personnes ont besoin d’espace?
Tenez compte des exigences locales en matière de distanciation physique lorsque vous recherchez un espace.
Bureau privé

Bureaux verrouillables clés en main pour les équipes de toutes tailles

Poste de travail attribué 

Votre propre poste de travail, dans un espace partagé.


  • Service d'entretien
  • Stationnement
  • Espace extérieur
  • Rangement de vélos
  • Salle des mamans
  • Espace événementiel
  • Stations de recharge pour véhicules électriques
  • Services techniques
Afficher tous les services


No. 1901 Huashan Lu Shanghai 200030
  • Transport en commun à proximité

  • Subway stop Xujiahui on lines 1, 9 and 11.
  • With building management
  • Huashan Road and Guangyuan Road

Finding Coworking Space in Xujiahui Shanghai

A charming oasis in the hustle and bustle of Shanghai, WeWork Xujiahui is Huashan Lu coworking space with character. Sitting on four floors of a beautiful modern building in the charming former neighborhood of the French Concession, this location offers an innovative take on workspace. Just across from Bailian Xujiahui Mall, it’s easily accessible via subway on the 1, 9, and 11. There are plenty of scrumptious options for lunch: Farine, an amazing French bakery; Ole Jesse, one of Shanghai’s favorite and most historic Chinese restaurants; and Ferguson Lane, a street with dozens of more cute little carts and stop-ins. We even share the building with Fitness First, giving you a convenient option for your wellness needs. A bowling alley, jazz bar, and hip shopping nearby offer tons of ways to spend a Friday evening. Bring your team to Xujiahui and become the office hero.

Our Unique Office Space Near Xujiahui

At this Xujiahui office space, there’s no shortage of oohs and ahs. Our designs are street chic, creating a space that’s classic yet modern—hip, but with an edge. It’s a perfect blend of classic office elements and the more contemporary perks of coworking, giving your team the structure and energy they need to be their most productive, and your guests the familiarity and astonishment they need to be open to the next big idea. Mosaics, graphic art, and plenty of greenery keep the space interesting and fresh, and amenities like a rooftop amphitheatre and karaoke room are festive options for after-work events. This is exactly what workspace should be.

Immeubles à proximité